**The Observation**

MP3 Player on Text

Julian Harrison 9/30/23

At my desk and in the field, a Supervisor’s feat, Seems I’ve got two places, where my feet must meet.

But out in the field, what a scene did unfold, A tale of safety, and courage, boldly told.

Two minutes they took, to check and prepare, Looking the area with the utmost care.

The procedure's path, they followed so neat, Craftsmanship shining, every step of their feet.

A doubt sprang up, they did not glide, Paused and queried, pushed assumptions aside.

Safety signs in place, all warnings in view, Ready to tackle the tasks that they knew.

Up the scaffold, one started to wend, But ah! His gloves, he did not extend. A mate cried out, “For safety defend, Put on those gloves, before you ascend!”

With flair and with poise, they went about, No hurries, no worries, no shadow of doubt. A valve at risk, caught one’s keen SIGHT, Quickly resolved, before taking flight.

In the heart of the night, a team so tight, Efficiency and safety, reaching a new height.

The tale of a crew, so skillful and right, Working as one, a truly grand sight!

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