**Charge of the Night Brigade**


“Diablo Canyon 1R24: Charting the Future of Nuclear Energy Renewal”

Julian Harrison 10/01/23

"Charge of the Night Brigade" is a poetic reflection on the unwavering dedication and efforts of the workers involved in the "Diablo Canyon 1R24: Charting the Future of Nuclear Energy Renewal" project. The poem unfolds over six stanzas, each detailing a phase of their nightly work. The brigade, symbolic of a team of workers, forges ahead through their shift, undeterred by the challenges that come their way. They're equipped with lights, tools, and a myriad of tasks, yet they proceed with unmatched determination, often questioning but always fulfilling their duty. Amidst a world asleep, their equipment shines bright, and their resilience stands as a testament to their commitment. The poem concludes with a tribute to their unwavering spirit, urging all to recognize and honor their tireless efforts in pushing the boundaries of nuclear energy renewal.

Half a shift, half a shift,
Half a shift forward,
All in the heart of the night,
Moved the Brigade's order.
“Onward, the Night Brigade!
Ready the tools!” they bade.
Into the heart of the night,
Worked the Brigade's order.

"Advance, the Night Brigade!"
Who among them was dismayed?
Though the task ahead they viewed,
Their purpose strong, renewed.
Their right to question, true,
Their duty clear, to pursue,
Giving their best, through and through.
Deep into the shadow's cover,
The Brigade moved, one after another.

Lights to the right of them,
Tools to the left of them,
Tasks right in front of them,
Glowed and beckoned;
Striving with might and main,
Steadily they worked, no refrain,
Into the depths of the task,
Following every single ask,
Worked the Brigade's order.

Flashed all their gear so bright,
Moved as they sought the right,
Rigging and setting tight,
Meeting the challenge, while
All the world slumbered.
Into the project's depth,
Strongly their promise kept;
Challenges met and adept,
Passed every test and step,
Mighty and unencumbered.
Then they rested well, yet not
Not one complained a lot.

Tasks to the right of them,
Tools to the left of them,
Work all around them,
Pushed and demanded;
Striving with skill and grace,
While every worker took their place.
Those that had worked so great,
Emerging from the shift's weight,
All that was left of them,
Brigade of the dedicated.

When can their effort wane?
O the hard work they've done!
All would surely commend.
Honour the tasks they've done!
Honour the Night Brigade,
Stalwart brigade!

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